Online pokies are a hugely popular gambling game, enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. But just how often do you need to hit the jackpot to make it worth your while? And what about Royal Flush and other high-payout hits? In this article, we’ll explore the hit frequency for a range of popular online pokies, so that you can make informed decisions about whether or not to play.
What is Hit Frequency?

Hit frequency is the number of times your bet will pay out in a given spin. It’s important to understand hit frequency when playing online pokies because it affects how much money you can make. Pokies with high hit frequencies are generally more rewarding, while those with low hit frequencies are more likely to leave you with a loss.
How Hit Frequency Affects Your Chance of Winning?
Hit frequency is one of the most important factors in determining your chance of winning in online pokies. It’s also one of the least understood. Understanding hit frequency is key to optimizing your chances of winning any online pokies.
Hit frequency is the number of times a particular symbol appears on the screen during a given play. The higher the hit frequency, the more often that symbol will appear. Hit frequency also affects how much you’ll win when you pull a winning combination.
The impact of hit frequency on your chances of winning depends on two things: how often you get lucky and how often the game pays off. In general, the longer you play a game, the more likely it is that you’ll get lucky and win big. But over time, the game will eventually pay off for more players than unlucky ones. Sooner or later, everyone will win some money.
So, if you want to maximize your chances of winning at any online pokie, make sure to increase hit frequency as much as possible. There are many ways to do this; here are just a few:
- Play frequently – Hit frequency is most important when you’re playing frequently. That means every time you pull the trigger on your pokie machine, try to hit as many different symbols as possible. This will increase your chance of winning. If you feel that playing online pokies is your thing, try
- Play at higher stakes – If you can afford to play at higher stakes, doing so will also increase your hit frequency. Higher stakes games usually have a higher hit frequency because more players are trying to win.
- Play with more money – Another way to increase your hit frequency is to playing with more money. This increases the chances that you’ll win any given bet, regardless of how often the game pays off.
- Play fewer hands per session – If you can, try to play fewer hands per session. This will increase your chances of hitting a “big payout” – a winning combination that pays out a lot of money.
Ways to Calculate Your Hit Frequency?
Calculating your hit frequency in online pokies is a big part of winning. Follow these tips to help you stay ahead of the competition:
- Play more variety – avoiding just one type of bet can help to keep you from getting predictable. This means playing different types of bets and risking different amounts of money.
- Pay attention to your bankroll – if you’re hitting often, it may be because you’re playing with too much money. Make sure to keep a close eye on your bankroll so that you’re not spending more than you can afford to lose.
- Make use of strategy – there are many different ways to play online pokies, so it’s important to find one that suits your style and strategies. If you’re struggling to hit frequently, try changing up your gameplay mechanics or looking into specific strategies that work well for you.
What are the Different Types of Hit Frequency?
Different types of hit frequency in online pokies can be classified according to the number of times you would need to land on a winning combination before being awarded the jackpot.
There are three types of hit frequency in online pokies – fixed, variable and random.
- Fixed hit frequency means that the number of times you need to win before being awarded a jackpot is always the same.
- With variable hit frequency, the number of times you need to win before being awarded a jackpot depends on your individual playing session.
- With random hit frequency, the number of times you need to win before being awarded a jackpot is determined by chance.
Regardless of type of hit frequency, all online pokies offer players the chance to win money by landing on specific symbols or patterns on screen. The more often you land on these symbols or patterns, the higher your chances of winning money.
What is the Hit Frequency Affecting in Pokies?
When you are playing online pokies, hit frequency is one of the most important factors to consider. Hit frequency affects how often you are likely to win in a given period of time. On average, you will win more times if your hit frequency is higher. However, there are other factors that determine your chance of winning too.
There are a few things that can affect your hit frequency. One of these is the number of different symbols that are on the screen at any given time. If there are more symbols on the screen, it will take longer to find a winning combination or bet. This means that your hit frequency will be lower because it will take longer for you to win.
Another factor that can affect your hit frequency is how much money you are playing with. If you are playing with larger amounts of money, it will be harder for you to find a winning combination bet, which will decrease your hit frequency.
How to Increase Your Hit Frequency in Pokies?
There are a few things you can do to increase your hit frequency in online pokies.
- Firstly, make sure you are playing with good funds. This will increase your chances of winning more often and make the game more enjoyable.
- Secondly, try to play different variations of the same game – this will help you learn what strategies work best for you and further increase your hit frequency.
- Finally, keep an eye on your betting habits and adjust them as necessary to ensure you are making the most of your opportunities.
Hit frequency is one of the most important factors in determining a player’s success or failure in an online pokies game. Understanding hit frequency can help you make better decisions while playing, and it can also help you identify any patterns that may be causing you to lose money.