Essay writing is probably one of the biggest challenges students meet. Even though they have probably written a number of these, they still tend to stare at a blank page before coming up with the introduction. Some would argue that the worst part is that they have to do these regularly.
Obviously, every student’s goal is to write a good essay that will earn them a high mark. Now, what are the features of a good one? Well, it needs to support the topic and state all the facts, but it also needs to be appealing to the reader, even if they disagree with its conclusion. This is probably the most troublesome part, and here are some tips you should use.
1. Include Interesting Details
Depending on the topic of your essay, this can be super easy to do, or in other cases, it may seem to be impossible. However, the truth is that you can always find fascinating information, but it may require you to do extensive research. If the subject is too dry and you need to state numerous facts, you should include some details to make it more appealing. It goes without saying that these have to be related to the topic itself.
However, you should think of a way to make it more understandable to people who don’t know much about it. You can include explanations or famous quotes or simply approach the subject from another point of view. This way, the issue itself won’t be that boring, and people will actually be interested in learning what you have to say about it.
2. Use an Active Voice

The biggest misconception students have is that they have to use a passive voice when writing essays. Yes, it may make you sound academic, but it will also make the entire piece boring to the reader. Since avoiding this should be your primary goal, you should also go with the active voice. It will enable readers to understand the topic from your point of view, and it will make them feel as if they wrote it. Obviously, you should still use formal language and stay clear of colloquial phrases and words. However, it will be easy to notice what a difference a simple shift from passive to active voice can make.
3. Get Familiar With the Topic
If you can choose the subject of your next essay, you should always go with something you feel passionate about. It will not only make the entire research process more enjoyable, but it will also be easier for you to write something appealing and engaging.
On the other hand, if this is not possible, then you need to learn as much as you can about it. Take your time to go over all the facts you can use. Then, think about your attitude towards them. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Even if the subject is too dry, you can also make it more interesting by stating your opinions. Plus, readers what to know your thoughts, and they will be willing to read the entire thing if you answer their questions. In addition, while doing your research, make sure to write down some appealing facts that may not only make the entire essay more attractive but that you can actually use to support your claims.
4. Don’t Summarize Everything

This tip may seem odd since you have to write a conclusion and summarize the entire essay. Instead, we are talking about your attitudes. The best way to meet the abovementioned goal is to let the readers draw their own conclusions. You will provide them with all the facts anyway, so it really isn’t necessary to use definitive words and phrases. Assuming you manage to grab their attention and state your opinions clearly, they will be able to read between the lines and understand your point without you being too specific about it.
5. Don’t Rely on Thesaurus
This is another misconception and a mistake you should not make. You don’t need to use all the fancy words to sound academic. Sure, there are probably some terms you have to include, but do you remember what we said about explaining them to the reader? If you rely on Thesaurus too much, you will probably end up with just another boring piece, and this is something you want to avoid. The bottom line is that you don’t need to use complex language to write a good college essay. Instead, try to keep it as simple as possible. Finding this balance may be tricky, so you should look for some examples online before tackling the project.
6. Take Your Time

The most important thing you have to understand is that you cannot analyze the topic and make the piece engaging in a few hours. It may take you days in some cases, and this is normal. First of all, you will need time to conduct in-depth research about the subject. Then, you need to categorize all the facts and decide which ones you will include. This is especially important because you do not want to go over the word limit you probably have. Finally, you have to think about them, determine whether you agree or disagree with them, and find the best way to put it all together. If you are pressed for time, you may want to consider using a custom essay writing service to speed everything up.
7. Edit and Proofread
Just because you are finished with writing, it doesn’t mean you should turn in your essay. Now, it is time for proofreading and editing. Obviously, you should ensure there are no spelling errors, but you should also read the entire thing a few times to see if there are any repetitive phrases. You may have used them without realizing it, and these are a sure way to make the entire thing boring and lose the reader’s attention. You will probably need to change some things or even omit the entire sentences if they state the same thing over and over again. What’s more, you should try to keep the cliché phrases at a minimum. Don’t forget that it doesn’t only need to be appealing but also unique, and these overly used phrases will not lead you to your goal.